Adults Are On the Move After the Pandemic
22% of adults recently surveyed say that they have either changed residence due to the recent corona virus pandemic or knew someone that did move according to the report just published by PEW Research Center.
The corona virus has us changing our jobs, limiting our activity and nearly cutting off our social lives. Sadly these issues could continue for months, possibly even years, and could become the new “normal”. The pandemic isn’t just changing how we live—but it has also altered where we live.
Of those that were surveyed in June, 3% responded that they personally had moved. Some moves were temporary due to a job loss from pandemic or an event that was pandemic-related, while other moves were permanent. Another 6% of those responding stated that someone had moved in with them because of pandemic related issues including outbreak locations, closed college dorms, unaffordable housing, etc.
Those surveyed had different experiences across demographics:
37% of adults age 18-29 either moved, had someone move in with them, or know someone who moved due to the Covid 19 outbreak.
Who moved and for what reasons?
One in ten of the adults surveyed, age 18-29, said they moved due to the corona virus, which is 9% of the 9,654 U. S. adults surveyed. This age group has been most affected by job loss and the closing of college housing facilities this past spring.
As we settle in to these changes, it is believed that the millennial and Gen-Z demographic—most of whom work in the “gig economy” or in short term positions—won’t be able to afford to wait for the economy to reopen to recover in their current locations.
Additional reasons for moving included needing more space to work from home and military recall for COVID response.
6 out of 10 adults stated they moved in with a family member.
13% moved to their vacation home, most commonly located in a less populated region.
Big cities can be bad for your health
28% of those responding to the PEW survey say the most important reason for their move was to reduce their risk of contracting the virus, which has infected more than 2.8 million Americans of all ages.
New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, 3 of America’s largest metro areas have experienced a steady outflow of residents for the past few years and numbers have only partially recovered by new arrivals. With the unemployment looking to stabilize at 20%in the short term and fewer immigrants calling these cities home, it will be some time before they will be able to recover.
The density of social contact in urban areas, where 60 % of the world lives,aids in the spread of contagious diseases. The Covid-19 infection rate in New York City was stated to be five times the national average. To many, the suburbs suddenly are looking like a better place to relocate.
With more work from home opportunities coming available, there will be less need for commuting and city wide public transportation resulting in less of a chance of coming into contact with the virus on a surface or from a carrier.
Professional movers have relocated about 7% of those surveyed to temporary homes, apartments, and even hotels while 9% moved into permanent home or rent to purchase locations.
Are you ready to make a move?
No matter what your reason is for relocating during this critical time, you need a partner who understands the process and can take on much of the burden on your behalf. Over 53% of consumers use United Van Lines and Mayflower when planning their relocation.
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