Planning a Safe and Successful Move During Coronavirus
Moving in the US during Coronavirus SPIN
While at the time of the writing of this article moving within USA is permitted, you should be aware of the risks involved when traveling from one state to another. International travel restrictions have eased up as well, but we strongly recommend verifying with country of destination frequently to be aware of any changes.
Movers Are Essential
Movers and moving companies in the USA have been considered an “essential service” in most states and have been allowed to remain in operation – providing that all staff have been instructed how to follow and are conforming to the social distancing guidelines provided by the CDC.
Military Moves
Pentagon officials announced criteria for lifting travel restrictions in an effort to limit their potential exposure to the Coronavirus. Of the 104 installations with recently-lifted travel restrictions, 3 reinstated travel restrictions while 4 lifted restrictions. You will need to be aware of constant changes if you are moving to and from military bases
US to Canada Moves during Pandemic
Moving within Canada is permitted at this time IF you are a Canadian citizen. International moves out of the Canada are also permitted. As of the writing of this article, The Canada-U.S. border closure to non-essential traffic that was previously set to expire on Sept. 21 was expected to be extended for another 30 days. For current guidelines please visit We have been notified that Ontario, British Columbia and Quebec have ruled that moving companies and moving services are deemed essential services. “Until we are notified otherwise, cross-border household goods transportation is “business as usual” and household movers are not being restricted at this time.”, according to the Canadian Association of Movers.
Please note that per the Canadian Self Storage Association, self-Storage has NOT been officially declared an essential business at this time, but their advisors unanimously indicate that as an industry, they should be able to retain the ability to provide continued access.
International moves during the COVID-19 borders closure
If you are moving internationally you are expected to experience the greatest difficulties based on the current numbers of Covid-19 cases in the countries in which you are traveling to and from. Be advised that many countries have closed down their borders to incoming travelers including their non-essential cargo. There is a chance that you may have to reschedule your pending move based on the current pandemic situation in the country of your destination.
By choosing The Liberty Group for your moving services you can rest-assured knowing that our team is taking all necessary precautions to keep your belongings safe and on schedule. Your Professional Move Manager will ensure best timeline and options for you to move your household items in the current situation.
Planning Your Move
Getting a Break on the Price of a Move.
Moving season has been slow for a majority of the summer with home sales driving much of the residential move business. As schools re-open and the rush that typically comes with the summer moving season more opportunities to schedule your move on the dates you want will be possible. Movers will be eager to fill their calendars and keep their trucks full and on the road. These factors will lean towards more competitive pricing and providing cost savings for fall and winter moves.
Plan your move promptly.
Movers are looking forward to spring and the hope that the COVID-19 threat will diminish and that with the better weather they will see moves skyrocketing to seasonal norms. Government-approved movers will be eager to see the military resume their back-logged moves but with that comes a urgency as all the delayed moves will have shorter timelines for completion and all hit at once.
As summer approaches and the demand for movers accelerates, as it always does with the better weather and there may be more and longer delays to consider. While in previous years, those moving would simply call on smaller companies for these services, many of the smaller moving companies have closed lacking the resources to survive the financial pressures of the pandemic.
For additional information Read COVID-19 related recommendations when moving
by the International Association of Movers.
What you and your mover can do to ensure a safe move during the Corona Virus Pandemic
- Follow the CDC recommendations by wearing protective equipment and clean every surface in both your old location and new home.
- Take advantage of our virtual estimates. You can be safer by limiting your contact with estimator.
- Be sure to inform your moving company if you or anyone in your household have contracted, been exposed to, or are in quarantine due to exposure of the Covid – 19 virus. By doing this you will ensure the health and safety of your family and our movers and their families. If this occurs we will be happy to work with you to reschedule your move.
- When planning your move one of the first questions you will want to ask is your professional mover is managing cancellations. What will be the financial costs of rescheduling or postponing your move?
- If it is at all possible and you are consider edvulnerable, over 60, or you have a compromised immune system, you may want to schedule your move after the pandemic is over.
- Work with your on-site movers. Help them stay safe and prevent the spread of unwanted germs and viruses by advising your moving team with designated access where they are able to clean up such as a bathroom or kitchen sink, stocked with antibacterial soap, paper towels, and a lined trash receptacle. You may also want to make available hand sanitizer, throughout the location, if possible
- Be proactive and do not use recycled boxes that you may find available from various online sources or various retail stores, as they could be contaminated. Spending a little more for new moving boxes and tape will ensure the safety of the movers and your family.
- Have you already started packing? Then this moving tip is for you! Transfer each of your pre-packed boxes into a single area such a garage or a room closest to the door near where the moving truck will be stages. By doing this you will help to minimize the amount of time that your movers will to be inside your home.
- Have your family enjoy plans away from your home the day of the move. Not only will this help prevent an accident and distractions but you will also minimize the opportunity for a transmission to the virus.
- Keep a box with all the cleaning products you will need in a place that it will surely not to be loaded into the moving truck. You will want to make sure you are leaving your old home clean and germ free for its new residents.
- Arriving to your new location you can reduce the fears of your new neighbors by you and your family wears masks and gloves. If will be a good first impression that you are mindful of the virus and their safety.
- Give your new home a thorough cleaning. Be sure to wear gloves when you arrive at your new home being careful not to touch any surfaces with your bare hands until you have given every room a complete cleaning. Remember that you need to be sure to clean all window and door latches, cabinet handles and door knobs. Keys should be sanitized as well.
- Consider having the movers place all of your moving boxes in one or two rooms or even the garage. Though this may seem counterproductive it will leave you the space and time to clean each room without having to work around the boxes (if you have not had a chance to clean the property in advance).
- Clean as you go! As each item is unpacked give it a good cleaning or wipe down with sanitizing cloth if you did not clean and personally pack it.
- Once you have completed unpacking you will not want to leave your packing materials out on the curb. Consider collapsing and leavening the packing materials stored until it is safe to dispose of them or taking them directly to a recycling facility for immediate disposal
When you’re looking for a company you can trust your move with, look to The Liberty Group!
Moving is an exciting, stress-filled, time. You look forward to living in a new location, and getting a fresh start in a new environment—but actually getting all your possessions to your new place can be a daunting challenge. In this critical time, you need a partner who understands the process, and can take on much of the burden on your behalf. Over 53% of consumers use United Vanlines and Mayflower when planning your relocation. With nearly a century of continuous operation we take our business and your needs very seriously.