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The Future of Parking

The Future of Parking

The Future of Parking

It’s the “first impression” for both employees and clients –  They both have to park or exit transportation upon arrival to your facility. What factors are impacting parking management at your facilities? Is the emergence of Uber and Lyft making waves in operations? Or do more traditional concerns such curb management or safety remain a leading focus?

At The Liberty Group we know how important first impressions are and we are here to work with you on your parking solutions, appearance, curb appeal and even snow removal. Contact us today for more information at  800-524-0567 or contact us online at https://thelibertygroupcompany.com/


Results from a recent survey by International Parking Institute (IPI) are in.

Below are and excerpt of the findings – for full article click here

The 2018 Emerging Trends in Survey reveals that more than 60% of parking professionals surveyed now identify as “parking, transportation, and mobility professionals,” their jobs increasingly integral to design, management, and operations of parking that are part of the broader movement to ease traffic congestion and create more livable, walkable communities.


Emerging as a top industry and societal trend is the importance of curb management in response to transportation network companies such as Uber and Lyft, which can put greater stress on pick-up and drop-off points.

The future of parking

Source: International Parking Institute “2018 Emerging Trends In Parking Survey”

When asked about autonomous vehicles — specifically, how far in the future will these vehicles have significant effect on parking, transportation, and mobility, 30% of respondents answered 10 years, followed by 20% saying five years. Meanwhile, 45% of respondents feel consumer reluctance will delay widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles.


Parking technology remains a game-changer and tech-based trends include the prevalence of mobile apps that provide real-time information on pricing and availability (nearly 50%), technologies that improve access control and payment (47%), and demand for guidance systems that help drivers find parking (43%).


Those surveyed by IPI include professionals who design, manage, and operate parking and transportation services in cities, universities, airports, hospitals, sports and entertainment complexes, as well as industry consultants, commercial operations, engineers, architects, planners, and equipment and technology providers.

The “2018 Emerging Trends In Parking” survey can be downloaded for PDF download from the IPI website.

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